Special screening
Related Exhibition : Metamorphosis of Classicism and Mythological Theme in the Art of 1750s-1980s
Olympia - Documentary of the Berlin Olympics Director: Leni Riefenstahl / 1938 / Monochrome / German with Japanese surtitle

Sun. 14 Jun. 2020

Schedule: Sunday, 14 June, 2020.
①10:30 - Part 1: Festival of Nations
②13:30 - Part 2 Festival of Beauty
(The door opens 30 minuntes before the film begins)

Venue: The Musemu of Art, Kochi - Museum Hall

Admission: 500 yen (Tickets are valid for both Part 1 and Part 2. Sales at door only / No advanced sale / No reservation needed)

Language: German with Japanese surtitile

The documentary of the Berlin Games (held in 1936) directed by Riefenstahl will be screened, selected from amongst many documentary films of the modern Olympics. The Olympic Games originated from ancient Greek competitions. This film captures that inherited ancient Greek spirit, through scenes exhibiting the polished physiques of athletes and the spectacle of the filmed games. With a spectrum of camera angles and scenes of athletes with highly polished physiques. As one of the great sports documentaries that influenced future generations, Olympia (1938) is not to be missed.

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