MOAK's new year kagura series HONGAWA KAGURA performing on Noh Stage

Mon. 03 Jan. 2022

Date: Monday 3 January, 2022
Start: 12:00-15:00 (door open 11:30)
Venue: The Museum of Art, Kochi - Noh Theater

Language: Japanese

Admission: Free entry and exit anytime

Performance by Hongawa Kagura Preservation Association (Hongawa district, Ino-cho, Akawa-gun, Kochi prefecture)

Cooperated by Hongawa Kagura Preservation Association, Ino Town Education Board

Organized by The Museum of Art, Kochi

Nominal Supported by The Kochi Shinbun, RKC Kochi Broadcasting Co., Ltd., TV Kochi Broadcasting Co., Ltd., FM Kochi, Kochi SUN SUN TV, Kochi Cable Broadcast, Kochi City FM


Hongawa Kagura, a national important intangible folk cultural property, has been handed down in the Hongawa district of Ino-cho, Agawa-gun, Kochi prefecture.

Since the Muromachi period (1336-1573), it has been performed at Shinto festivals as a form of prayer for family safety and good health. It is a rare 'night kagura' in the prefecture, and there are 17 kagura performances including "Shime no Mai" [注連(しめ)の舞], "Yamaou no Mai" [山王(やまおう)の舞], "Hannya no Mai" [般若の舞], "Kijin Arasoi" [鬼神争い], "Oshiki no Mai" [折敷(おしき)の舞] and "Yata no Mai" [八幡の舞] in dedication to the god of the shrine. This year, a special version of a selection of these will be performed live on our Noh stage.

Please come and experience the powerful kagura dances performed in the Noh Theatre.

Yamaou no Mai [山王の舞]
One appears wearing large cloths and chants the incantation "Yamaou no Honchi"[山王の本地] in secret. Suddenly, the cloth is thrown off and a brave figure wearing a mask dances vigorously. It is said that this act is the most important dance in the performance , which it should not be performed twice in one night.

