


Sat. 04 Apr. 2020 - Sun. 17 May. 2020

Regular - 600 yen (480 yen) , University - 400 yen (320 yen) , High School and younger - free
* ( ) Bracketed prices are for groups over 20.
* We do not sell tickets in advance.
* Yearly pass holders are granted free admission. Those who are physically handicapped, undergoing rehabilitation, intellectually handicapped, disabled war veteran or atomic bomb victim and/or their caregiver (up to 1 caregiver) , and hold the corresponding certification, as well as those that hold a Kochi prefectural or city certificate of longevity are granted free entry.

The Museum of Art, Kochi

Kochi Prefectural Board of Education, Kochi City Board of Education, The Kochi Shimbun, RKC Kochi Broadcasting, TV Kochi Broadcasting, Kochi SunSun TV, NHK Kochi Broadcasting Corporation, Kochi Cable Broadcast, FM Kochi Broadcasting, Kochi City FM

Research Support:
Tokai University Research & Information Center, JEOL Ltd.


When you hear “art museum” something that probably comes to mind are dazzling pieces of art and their exhibitions. However, making brilliant exhibits is not the only purpose of an art museum. An art museum is also a place that collects and preserves art in order to pass on to the next generation.
At our museum, we have created two exhibits titled “collect”, and “preserve” that administer what the functions of these collections are. At the “collect” section, holding the question of “Why is this here?”, we examine the history, story, and artistic value of pieces, combining various episodes revolving around pieces and showcasing them. For the “preserve” collection, in wake of the floods and heavy rains of 1998, the aspects and materials of restoration and preservation methods were scientifically analysed, and through interviews with many creators themselves administered a multilateral approach. Equating the shapes and form of creations as things, we search the limits and capabilities that an art museum can conceive of in order to preserve and pass on.
To know about the theme, process, and occurrence “gather and preserve” at an art museum, rather than simply spend time appreciating art itself, is also a chance to touch onto the past of a piece, the people, and memories that surround it. At this museum, we hope for this collection not just to be a reflection on the history of pieces that are presented here, but to be a chance to reflect on the past and future shape of creations, along with the roles of art museums on a larger scale.

Related Events

●Exhibit Play Talk: The Conservator’s Work

*This event has been cancelled.

Lecturer: Hideyuki Ohara (Movie Conservator)
Date: March 28th (Sat) 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Place: Tsutaya Second Floor Event Space (Kochi City Minamigoza 6-10)
Inquiries: Specialized Nonprofit Organization - Regional Culture Planner 080-6721-3074 (Nakamura)

*For those that would like to reserve a seat, please mail opalh2019@gmail.com with the title “展覧会プレトーク参加希望” (Intent on Viewing the Exhibit Play Talk) by March 27th, and write your name and amount of participants in the text body.

●Symposium: The Role of Public Art Museums Collections and Preservations

*Only Japanese. Simultaneous interpretation not available.

Confronting the issues and difficulties that present day public art museums face through “collecting and preserving” artistic works.

Time: May 2nd (Sat) 1pm - 4pm
Place: 1st Floor Lecture Room

Part 1: Presentations
Mari Tsukamoto (The Museum of Art, Kochi Curator, Exhibition Planner)
Kaori Taguchi (Conservator, Tokai University Research & Information Center Special Lecturer)
Taro Amano (Yokohama Civic Art Gallery Azamino - Head Curator, Sapporo International Art Festival 2020 General Director)
Part 2: Presenter’s Discussion

*Attendance Free / Signup not necessary
* Information may change on the museum website at any time.

●Related Movie Screening: THE PRICE OF EVERYTHING

Taking the theme of an art piece's value, this documentary focuses behind the scenes of the art market. Featuring artists in this exhibition such as Jean-Michel Basquiat and Gerhard Richter.

Time: April 29th (Wed/Holiday) ①10:30- ②13:30- ③16:30- ④19:30-
Place: The Museum of Art, Kochi Hall
Entry Fee: 1000 yen * Those holding a stub from the exhibition will get a discounted price of 600 yen

●Curator’s Gallery Talk

Time: April 5, 12, 19 - May 3, 6, 17 - From 2pm - All dates are Sunday except May 6th (Wed-Holiday)
Gathering Place: Assembly Hall Entrance 1
Price: Free (With a regular admission ticket)
*April 19th English Interpretation Available
*May 3rd Sign Language Interpretation Available
With Cooperation from the Kochi Institute of the Hearing Impaired (Kodakasa Kosei Center)

Teacher’s Week

Time: April 12th (Sun) - 19th (Sun)
During this time, Kochi Prefectural Education employees are free to join the exhibition. Non-fine arts teachers are also free to sign up. Please call and register by April 11th (Sat) (088-866-8000).

Free Babysitting Service

Certified Babysitter service. Feel free to view our exhibition with peace of mind while your children are taken care of. Service is free. (With a regular admission ticket)

Time: April 29th (Wed - Hol.) May 3rd (Sun) (All 5 days)
Twice a day (10:00-12:00 and 13:30-15:30)
Capacity: 10 children per session
Application: Pre-application by phone, followed by submission of an application form by 26th April (Sun).
Place:1st Floor Lecture Room
Sitters provided by: NPO Mutter Schule

Exhibition overview with curators' commentaries in Japanese. (added on 27 April 2020)

morimura_yasumasa.jpgYasumasa Morimura Portrait(Twins) 1988-90 ©Yasumasa Morimura

yanagi_yukinori.jpgYukinori Yanagi Hinomaru Illumination 1992 ©Yukinori Yanagi

PAST exhibitions